Our Gardens are a great source of plants to use to make paper.  I like to use plants with long leaves like Iris or Day Lilly.  The stems of Alestromeria also split down the middle into long lengths of fibers.  This is just what you want!  

To turn these materials into paper pulp requires that you first, cut up the materials into 1 – 1.5″ pieces.  Then they are cooked, generally with soda ash to remove all the non-cellulose materials. Once it is carefully rinsed to remove all the residue from the cooking process you can then process it into pulp for papermaking.  This can be done by using a beater, made specifically for this process, by hand beating the fibers with a mallet or pounder of some sort, or even by processing them in a blender.  

These papers have been made from either Day Lilly leaves or Alestromeria stems.  Depending on your beating method, these sheets can be thick or quite thin and translucent.